First of all, it is important to know how coronavirus is spread, so that you can take the necessary measures to protect yourself. The CDC says that the virus is most likely spread person-to-person, within ranges of 6 feet. Sneezing or coughing also spreads the virus through the sprayed residue.
There is also the possibility of interacting with an infected item and then touching your face. This is not the main way corona travels, however it is still possible to get sick. There is no vaccine to protect against coronavirus, so the best way to prevent the spread of the disease is to avoid it.
Looking to stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic? Here are 5 simple measures that you can take today to keep yourself healthy.
1. Try Ordering from a Food Truck Instead
This may sound odd at first, but ordering from a food truck instead of getting take-out at a restaurant is an effective way to keep yourself safe. If you find yourself craving a burger and want to get out of the house, practicing social distancing at a food truck is easy- since they have to be outside.
Fewer staff members come into contact with your meal on a food truck- at restaurants there are many individuals in a kitchen, even if they do not directly touch your food. Food trucks are also much smaller and easier to clean.
There is plenty of food truck catering in Philidelphia that you can take advantage of. Zac’s Burgers also offers hamburger catering if you find yourself craving fast food, but are unable to leave the house.
Plus, if you are worried about the safety of your meal, it is easy to see inside a food truck! Take advantage of this to see that your food is handled properly.
2. Wash Your Hands
You have probably heard this one already, but it is important to reiterate. As more time passes, the public has been starting to slack off on the handwashing- even though it is the most effective way to prevent coronavirus!
It only takes a minute and is so easy to do. Here is a quick refresher:
- Wash your hands as soon as you come home
- Spend at least 20 seconds rubbing your hands with soapy water
- Make sure to get the backs of your hands and between your fingers
- Wash your hands after sneezing or coughing
- If there is no soap available, use a hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol
- Do not touch your face with unwashed hands
- Wash your hands often if you are out in public
If eating outside the house, remember to remove any gloves and carefully clean your hands before directly handling the food. Gloves keep the virus off your skin, but are ineffective if you use them to eat, because now whatever was on your gloves, got on the food you just ate.
This is so important to keeping our families and essential workers in our communities safe, and it is a super simple process.
3. Wear a Face Covering
If you find yourself venturing out in public, a good measure to take is to wear a fabric face covering. Even if they are uncomfortable, or fog up your glasses, you can remove it as soon as you have safely washed your hands.
Keep hand sanitizer in the car if you find yourself ripping it off as soon as you get in. Unfortunately, removing your mask before cleaning your hands gets rid of the purpose of the mask- which is to keep you from touching your face.
Again, this is another detail you have probably heard a lot. Wearing a mask slows the spread of the coronavirus pandemic- plus many stores are requiring you to wear one before you can enter. Having face coverings prepared can help save you time or being refused service at a grocery store.
4. Clean Your Surfaces
Frequently disinfecting surfaces around the home is an effective way to stop the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Before disinfecting, make sure to wash the surfaces with soapy water. This makes the virus easier to remove with any disinfecting products.
What exactly should you wash? Well, these are commonly touched surfaces:
- Doorknobs and cupboard handles
- Tables and countertops
- Light switches
- Desks
- Cell phones
- Computer keyboards
- Sinks and faucets
- Toilets
Take care not to drench your electronics! You do not want to ruin them.
Frequently washing these surfaces is important, as coronavirus can stay there for long periods. Areas where you prepare food, like a countertop, need extra care when disinfecting. These surfaces often come into contact with what you eat.
You will feel much safer when having dinner on a nice, clean surface. Take pride in disinfecting your home!
5. Practice Social Distancing
This is another effective way to slow coronavirus. You have probably seen stickers marking floors in stores that show where you can stand. Do not ignore these, staying at least 6 feet apart from strangers is an effective way to ensure you will not get sick.
Other ways to practice social distancing during the pandemic include:
- Do not go shopping in crowded stores, unless necessary
- Avoiding others when you feel sick
- Ordering groceries or essential goods online or in an app
- Ordering hamburger catering from your favorite place instead of traveling there
- Working from home (if you are able)
- Avoiding shaking hands or hugging in public as a greeting
- Avoid taking unnecessary trips
- Talk to friends and family virtually
You probably have heard of some of those methods already. The important thing to keep in mind during the coronavirus pandemic, is that you should always be on the look-out for new ways to protect yourself.
Try that grocery app your friend was talking about, use an app to have hamburgers catered to your house, or learn how to make masks for you and your family. There are so many different ways to keep yourself healthy and safe during the pandemic.
Zac's Burgers is presently not selling franchises and does not have a certified franchise disclosure document. Zac's is offering licensing opportunities, however, potential licensees must meet all federal and state requirements.
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